Give Big Pittsburgh is TODAY. Help us continue to provide a continuum of care for homeless women that leads toward self-sufficiency. This year, Bethlehem Haven will open the door to our newly refurbished facility and bring a higher standard of living to the women who call Bethlehem Haven home.
Click the following link to make your donation: https://www.givebigpittsburgh.com/organizations/bethlehem-haven.
Make your donation today. Ensure we continue to provide our residents, many of whom are 55 and older and navigating physical or mental challenges, with rooms of their own. Let’s build a strong foundation together.

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Want to help today?
Contribute today to our “A Room of Her Own” campaign. Sponsor the purchase of home goods, a piece of furniture, or an appliance. You may even elect to underwrite the furnishing of an entire room. Help us make every room at Bethlehem Haven a room of her own for all of our residents.