Bethlehem Haven provides shelter and supportive services to thousands of homeless women. The continuum of care consists of a range of housing and supportive services designed to enable each woman to identify her needs, develop a plan of action, and achieve a successful outcome.
Bethlehem Haven believes that a secure home is an essential foundation for women to achieve stable mental and physical health, as well as personal empowerment. Every woman who lives at Bethlehem Haven is linked to supportive services, specially designed for their individual needs. Bethlehem Haven helps clients identify an action plan to achieve self-sufficiency and permanent housing.
EMERGENCY SHELTER provides temporary housing for homeless women.
MEDICAL RESPITE is acute and post-acute medical care for patients experiencing homelessness or patients who are unstably housed who are too ill or frail from a physical illness or injury while living in shelter or on the streets, but are not sick enough to be in a hospital.
PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING provides permanent housing and supportive services to women with a diagnosed serious mental illness.
SAFE AT HOME offers monetary and basic assistance to women who are homeless, or at immediate risk of homelessness, for the first time in their lives. Priority is given to women over 50 years old with young children in the household. A small pool of funds can also be used for single custodial fathers.